Love of Experiments!, Blog Teri Storey Love of Experiments!, Blog Teri Storey

Eggshells for the Garden

If you have as many eggshells as I do, you probably already know this is a great calcium source for your chickens. I keep a cast iron pan in the oven and after breakfast place all my eggshells there for safekeeping. When I have enough to fill the pan, I turn the oven on to the lowest setting for about 15-20 minutes and let bake the shells.

After baking I let them cool. Once cooled, I crush them and place in a jar for storage. These crushed shells can then be added to the chicken feed or placed nearby as a calcium source for the birds.

You might even add them to your compost pile, for a calcium boost to your soil in the spring. But did you know you can use them as a biostimulant in your garden? Simply fill a jar about 1/10 - 1/15th full with eggshells. Then fill nearly to the top with Apple Cidar Vinegar (ACV with Mother), leaving about 1-inch clearance for bubbles due to fermentation. Cover with a cloth or loose-fitting lid or cover. You do not want to seal this as the solution will expand, and could break the vessel. Mark the jar and date. Store in a temped, dark space and let rest. The fermentation will do the rest.

After a few weeks, the solution will be fermented. Decant this solution, by running the liquid through a sieve and or cheesecloth to remove all the sediment. The debris can be used again, 3 to 5 more times. Place the liquid in a container, seal and place in a well ventilated cool dark space.

This solution will be full of micro and macrominerals for the garden. It can be used as a foliar spray or drench, on its own or in conjunction with other ferments. Be sure to dilute with good water. According to Nigel Palmer, this solution should be diluted at a rate of 1:500 (One Tbls to 4 gallons good water or 15L ) up to 1:1000.

The rule of thumb when natural crafting your homemade ACV extract is less is more. When in doubt, do a small test area. If after 24-48 hours, you have positive results, you can proceed with confidence. Testing a small area is a good idea any time you amend your garden.

Happy Gardening!

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Well, I have started manifesting soil….with the help of the pigs and chickens

The farm is now in a very interesting location due to the fact that we have no top soil, yet….Well, I have started manifesting soil….with the help of the pigs and chickens.  If you know me you know my “Happy, Healthy, Safe and Strong” moto.  As a parent, my job is to make sure my kids are Happy, Healthy, Safe and Strong.  So they can grow up to be HHSS.  Then when they have children they can be, you guessed it, HHSS.  Well, I have approached my farm with the same philosophy.  I want the plants, animals (large and microscopic), insects (beneficial and sometimes not so much), fungus (edible to working), soil (and it’s biome), water (and it’s biomes), and even bacteria working for the farm, to be HAPPY, HEALTHY, SAFE, AND STRONG.  To that end and for the For the Love of Experiments…This year I will share experiments and experiences here on the farm.  Should be exciting (finger crossed).  We’ll have Coffee with Critters and put our Hands in the Dirt.  I’m going to share with you some of the ways we Close the Gaps and try some new ways to stack farm enterprises without breaking the back.  We have an awful lot to do, but I have learned to Keep it Simple Sally and encourage you to do the same.  Because at the end of the day we want to look out over our farm and Enjoy the View!

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